Florida Solar Panel Installation

The Sunshine State has many sunny days throughout the year, so it’s no wonder why so many residents are making the switch to solar energy. Now is the perfect time to switch to solar because of its many benefits for your home, wallet, and the environment. Learn more about all that solar energy has to offer and how Axia by Qcells can help you take advantage of this sustainable energy source.

Going Solar in Florida

Florida is known as the Sunshine State for a good reason. It has a year-round sunny climate that offers the perfect opportunity for residents to take advantage of the benefits of the sun. In fact, Florida sees an average of 230 sunny days a year, which is higher than the national average of 205 days. Solar panels in Florida are becoming a common sight as more and more residents learn about the cost- and energy-saving benefits of switching to this sustainable energy source.

Florida’s Unique Solar Landscape

Solar can be particularly helpful for Floridians as it offers two significant benefits to challenges faced by homeowners – the rising cost of electricity for air conditioning and power outages caused by severe weather. Home solar offers the potential for both lower electricity bills and backup power when paired with a battery. When the temperatures peak during the summer months, so do electricity costs. Using solar power instead of relying on the electricity grid can help reduce cost in both the short and long term as prices tend to increase over time. This can be a significant benefit in places like Florida where home cooling is essential to daily life.

Solar and Severe Weather

While one of the core benefits of solar with battery backup in Florida is that it can help power you through weather-related outages, many homeowners worry about what happens to solar panels in a hurricane and how that kind of severe weather can affect the lifespan of their system. These concerns can be addressed by a professional installer using high-quality equipment as most of the issues related to hurricanes can be tied back to poor craftsmanship or equipment. While no solar installation is completely hurricane-proof, the best panels are made to be durable in severe weather and able to produce power for 20+ years.

Protecting Your Investment

Related to these factors is how solar works with homeowners insurance. Not all insurance carriers will provide coverage for solar panels in Florida due to the risks associated with damage from storms. We recommend checking with your carrier to understand which carriers provide coverage. It may also be the case that your solar provider will offer “Third-party-owned” agreements that cover the cost of system repair and replacement in the event it is damaged.

rooftop view from a home with solar panels looking out to the sunset

Here to Help You Upgrade Your Home Energy

At Axia, we’re committed to helping you achieve a more energy-independent future. With battery storage, our expert sizing system, and high-quality solar panels, you can take control of your energy consumption.

an icon that illustrates a solar panel charged by the sun.

Battery Storage

We can include battery storage with your Florida solar installation to help you have backup energy during power outages. When your system produces excess solar energy, it can store it in your battery backup system to keep you powered even when the grid goes down.

United States icon

Panels Assembled in the United States

We only use solar panels assembled in the United States to support local economies and ensure you’re receiving high-quality, reliable panels. We guarantee your system is built to withstand the weather in your area and will last many years.

Worker installing panels on roof
rooftop view from a home with solar panels looking out to the sunset

The Importance of Solar Batteries in Florida

One of the most significant benefits of solar panels in Florida is the option to store excess energy. When you include backup batteries in your solar installation, you give yourself more energy independence and resilience. Here’s how.

Qcells panel installed inside of a garage

Energy Independence

By storing the excess energy your solar panels generate, you can become less reliant on traditional grid power. You can use this extra energy during periods of low sunlight, giving you the autonomy to power your home with your own stored resources. As a result, you have more control over your energy usage and less dependence on external sources.


Florida’s weather can be unpredictable, with storms and hurricanes occasionally disrupting power. Solar batteries can act as a backup power source during power outages. When your power goes out, your solar battery kicks in, keeping your lights and essential appliances running.

How Solar With Battery Backup Works

Learn more about how solar with battery backup can help protect you from outages and support energy independence.

Why Join the Solar Movement?

We briefly mentioned some of the benefits of solar power in Florida. However, if you’re not convinced yet, continue reading to learn how solar can provide peace of mind and put money back in your pocket.

Woman reading paper and touching her glasses

Lower Electricity Costs

With so much sunlight, Florida solar power has helped homeowners and businesses reduce their energy bills. By harnessing the power of the sun, residents can reduce the amount of traditional grid electricity they use. This shift to renewable energy reduces monthly electricity bills, letting homeowners take control of their energy costs with affordable solar plans.

Peace of Mind During Power Outages

Installing solar panels in Florida can offer comfort and confidence during power outages. If you have battery backup with your solar installation, you can enjoy a reliable source of energy even when the grid goes down.

2 story house at night with light coming through windows
Orange and black charts on paper with calculator on top

Increased Property Value

Opting for a Florida solar installation can increase your home’s value. As the demand for solar grows, homes equipped with solar panels in FL have a competitive edge. Potential buyers who know the cost-saving benefits of solar may pay more for homes with solar systems.

Reduced Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy Sources

With solar panels in Florida, residents can reduce their reliance on the grid. Grid energy typically comes from fossil fuels that aren’t renewable and can harm the environment. Switching to solar minimizes the demand for non-renewable energy, contributing to a more resilient and eco-friendly future.

Lake in the shape of footprints in forest
Two women looking at a tablet with a credit card in hand

Florida Solar Incentives and Rebates

Residents can take advantage of solar incentives and rebates that make solar panels in Florida more affordable. One of these is the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit, which offers solar owners a credit of 30% of the total cost of solar installation. There aren’t any statewide solar incentives in Florida, but there is a sales tax exemption for panels and net metering programs that let solar owners sell excess energy back to the grid.

Why Choose Axia for Your Solar Installation in Florida?

Axia is a trusted partner in the transition to solar power in Florida. Our commitment to quality and excellent customer service sets us apart from the competition. Here’s why.

Reduced Cost

We offer lower prices and helpful financing plans to make Florida solar power more affordable. With Axia, you can take advantage of the benefits of solar energy without breaking the bank.

No-Hassle Service

We make the transition to solar easy for you by handling every step of the process. As part of our services, we take care of everything from consultation to installation, including obtaining the correct permits. We provide stress-free solar installation, allowing you to sit back and relax while we take care of the heavy work.

a solar technician installing a solar panel
a man screwing on a solar panel

Minimally Invasive Installation

Solar installation can disrupt your day, but we strive to make the process as painless as possible. Our experts prioritize your convenience and provide solar panel installation with minimal disturbances. We also respect your property and take extra care to ensure your panels are installed safely without damaging your home.

Ongoing Support

Your journey with Axia doesn’t end after your Florida solar installation. We provide ongoing support to address questions or concerns you have about your new system. Our customer support team is readily available to ensure your system works efficiently for many years.

Quick Installation

Your time is valuable to us, so we provide a quick installation to help you start enjoying your system as soon as possible. Our streamlined process and years of experience allow us to install your system quickly without compromising quality.

Advanced Designs

Solar technology is ever-evolving, but Axia stays ahead of the curve. We use quality Qcells solar panels made with the most advanced designs that seamlessly blend into your home. Your system will provide maximum energy output that meets your home’s unique energy needs.

Locations Served

Axia serves its friends and neighbors all around Florida. Our broad service area ensures more people have access to clean, affordable, hassle-free solar energy.

Find Your City

Daytona Beach
Pompano Beach
St Petersburg
skyline view of a florida city.

Florida Solar Panel Installation FAQ

If you still have questions or concerns about Florida solar power, check out the answers to our customers’ most frequently asked questions below.

How does the weather affect solar panels in Florida?

Many people worry that upgrading to solar will mean a loss of power during cloudy, rainy, or foggy weather conditions. In reality, solar panels in Florida work in every weather condition. They can absorb partially blocked or reflected sun rays, penetrating the rain and keeping your panels working. Rain can even help your solar performance by rinsing off dirt and grime!

During cloudy days, the reduced temperature can also boost your system’s efficiency! And don’t worry about wind — when you have your system professionally installed, you can rest easy knowing it’s not going anywhere.