Solar Panels & Installation in Fort Worth TX

Texas is known for its long, sunny days and hotter-than-average temperatures, but you can put all that sun to good use by installing solar panels in Fort Worth. Discover the benefits of Fort Worth solar and why now is an excellent time to experience energy independence.

Growing Solar Presence in Fort Worth

Solar panels in Fort Worth are becoming an increasingly popular option as residents are realizing the economic and environmental benefits of switching to solar power. The cost of rooftop solar and installation continues to become more accessible, and many people are finding that solar is a better option than it was in years past. Fort Worth residents aren’t the only ones making the switch; businesses and companies throughout the city are also committing to this renewable energy source.

2 story house, white siding, solar panels, single tree that reaches the 2nd story
Maintenance worker working on solar panels

Is it Worth it to Install Solar Panels in Fort Worth Texas?

Absolutely! Fort Worth gets an average of 229 sunny days per year, making it a great place to install solar panels and harness the power of the sun. By choosing solar panel installation in Fort Worth, you’re gaining more energy independence, relying on the grid less, and can even lower the cost of your utility bills.

Staying Powered During Fort Worth Blackouts

Texas temperatures can be brutal. That heat, combined with a large population using the grid, often overwhelms the system and leads to power outages in Fort Worth. When you install a home solar system with a backup battery, any excess energy your panels generate is stored in the battery and can be used to power important appliances and lights in your home when the grid goes down.

House with solar panels at night and the outside lit up
Couple on a laptop in a kitchen

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in Fort Worth?

The cost of solar panels in Fort Worth will vary depending on different factors, including the size of your home, how many solar panels you need, the amount of sun your property gets, where you live in the city, and the solar company you choose. You can expect to pay between $11,550 and $15,650, though most residents pay about $13,500 for solar panel installation in Fort Worth.

You can use the solar calculator below to get a better idea of what solar may cost for your home, or you can get a quote from Axia Solar installers.

Why Choose Axia by Qcells for Your Solar Installation?

The solar company you choose in Fort Worth, TX, can make all the difference in your solar experience. At Axia by Qcells, we are committed to putting you first and ensuring you feel informed and empowered through the entire process. From consultation to streamlined installation, we make switching to solar easy and stress-free for you. In fact, we even file the permits for you, so you won’t have to!

We use solar panels made by Qcells, the top manufacturer in the industry, and we make the customer experience our priority. You can trust that with our team, you’re getting top products and the best services, and that going solar will be easier than ever.

House with solar panels and round-trimmed trees

If you’re considering switching to solar panels in Fort Worth, you may wonder why it’s a good idea. Let’s explore why choosing Fort Worth solar is a great idea for your home.

Many people make the switch to solar energy for the potential cost savings on their utility bills. With a home solar system, you are generating your own energy through the panels instead of only drawing electricity from the grid. This means that as you produce more energy and use the grid less, you could decrease your utility bill over time.

Thanks to their environmental- and cost-saving benefits, solar panels in Fort Worth are extremely appealing to prospective homebuyers. If you are planning to sell your home soon or in the future, you may be able to get 4% more for your property if you already have solar installed. Additionally, homes with solar in Fort Worth often sell faster, meaning you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy now and in the future when you sell.

In an effort to make solar panels in Fort Worth more affordable and accessible to residents, there are several rebates, incentives, and tax credits that residents may be able to take advantage of. One of the most popular credits is the Federal Solar Tax Credit, which allows homeowners to claim 30% of their solar installation costs on their taxes for the year the system was installed. These won’t last forever, so it’s better to go solar now and reap the benefits instead of waiting and possibly missing out.

If you’re ready to go solar in Fort Worth, Axia Solar is here to help. We’re ready to answer any questions you may have, give you a quote on a home solar system, or get started on solar panel installation in Fort Worth as soon as you’re ready. Let us help you electrify your life today!

Visit our website or call 949-800-8966 to speak
with a solar specialist.

We’re available Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm Pacific Time to assist with solar panel installation in Fort Worth, TX.

City skyline with sky scrapers with lots of glass windows and parking garages.