Solar Panels and Installation in Grand Prairie

Grand Prairie residents are making the switch to solar because of its many benefits. Learn more about solar panel installation in Grand Prairie, TX, and why now is the perfect time to go solar.

Growing Solar Presence in Grand Prairie, Texas

In Grand Prairie, solar panels have seen a massive increase in popularity as more and more residents turn to the sun’s power to meet their energy needs. As solar installation costs go down and cost-savings benefits rise, many residents are finding solar to be a more financially viable option than it was a few years ago. This shift towards solar is not only seen in residential areas but also in industrial areas, where large-scale solar installations are becoming more common.

2 story house with solar panels and a wooden deck
Solar panels on house with skylights

Is it Worth it to Install Solar Panels in Grand Prairie?

Because of the many benefits, solar panel installation in Grand Prairie, TX, is definitely worth it! Grand Prairie is the perfect place for solar panels because it sees an average of 230 sunny days per year. By installing home solar, residents and businesses can reduce their reliance on the grid, increase energy independence, and enjoy long-term cost savings.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in Grand Prairie?

The cost of solar panels in Grand Prairie will vary from house to house because of factors like zip code, home size, sun exposure, and energy consumption. However, residents can expect to spend between $11,500 to $15,580 on a new solar installation. You can use our solar calculator for a more accurate estimate for your home.

Couple on laptop at a computer

Why Choose Axia by Qcells for Your Installation?

When it comes to installing solar panels in Grand Prairie, TX, choosing the right company can make all the difference. Axia stands out as a top choice for solar installation because of our streamlined installations, quality solar products, and exceptional customer service.

Maintenance worker reaching up to work on a solar panel
Wrench and screwdriver with a check in a shield icon

Streamlined Installation

We know time is valuable, so we strive to make the installation process as seamless as possible. Our experienced installers work hard to ensure a smooth transition to solar with few disruptions to your daily routine. We take care of everything from installation to permit paperwork so you can avoid the hassle. We ensure your system is ready to go in no time, so you can quickly start enjoying the benefits.

Check in a shield in front of a solar panel with the sun behind

Quality Solar Panels

We work with Qcells for all our Grand Prairie, TX, solar panel installations. They’ve spent many years researching the latest solar technology to create panels with maximum performance and durability. These panels are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions while efficiently converting sunlight into the energy that powers your home.

Thumbs up in shield icon

Exceptional Customer Service

At Axia Solar, we strive to go above and beyond for our customers. From the first conversation to post-installation support, our team will assist you every step of the way. We value open communication and will address any questions or concerns along the installation journey. Our top priority is to help you achieve greater energy independence and take control of your energy costs.

Why Go Solar Now?

Are you thinking about installing solar panels in Grand Prairie, TX? Now is the perfect time to take the leap. Here are four reasons why going solar now is a great idea.

Woman reading paper and touching her glasses

Lower Your Utility Bills

One of the biggest advantages of going solar is the potential savings on your utility bills. By producing your own energy, you can reduce your reliance on traditional grid power. Solar panels help you offset a portion of your electricity usage. Over time, these savings can add up, providing more financial freedom and stability.

Keep Your Power During Power Outages in Grand Prairie, TX

Grand Prairie has seen an increase in power outages because of severe weather, maintenance issues, and unexpected grid shutdowns. But if you have a solar system with battery backup, you can keep your lights and essential appliances running even when the grid goes down. Solar systems with battery backup allow you to store excess energy generated throughout the day to use during Grand Prairie blackouts. Your backup system will automatically kick on with little disruption for you or your family.

2 story house at night with lights coming through the windows
Orange and black charts on paper with calculator on top

Add Value to Your Home

If you plan to sell your home, installing solar panels can increase its value. Many potential homebuyers are looking for homes with solar installations because of the long-term cost savings they can offer. Homes with solar may sell quicker and for more money than homes without. By going solar now, you’ll not only reap the immediate benefits but also invest in your home’s future.

Grand Prairie Solar Rebates, Incentives, and Tax Credits

Grand Prairie residents can take advantage of many federal and local incentives for installing solar. The most well-known of these is the Federal Solar Tax Credit which offers homeowners a 30% tax credit for the cost of their system. Many local utility companies also offer solar buyback programs, called net metering, that let residents sell unused solar energy back to the grid for credit.

Two women looking at a tablet with a credit card in hand
Electricity meter

Energy Independence

If you install solar panels in Grand Prairie, you can take control of your energy production and use. This means you won’t be susceptible to fluctuating utility costs. By generating your own power, you become more self-sufficient, which offers financial benefits and promotes a sense of empowerment.

Ready to install solar panels in Grand Prairie? Axia can help! Use our solar calculator for a free estimate of the cost of a solar system for your home. You can also contact one of our specialists if you have any questions or concerns or to start creating your home’s custom system.

Call 949-800-8966 to speak with a solar specialist.

We’re available Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm Pacific Time to help with solar panel installation in Grand Prairie, TX.

Neighborhood with solar panels on most houses