What Insurance Companies Cover Solar Panels in Florida?

Man holding tiny home in his hands

If you plan to invest in solar panels, insurance can help ensure costs are covered if your system is damaged. But what insurance companies cover solar panels, and are there any Florida solar insurance requirements you should be aware of? Below, we’ll answer these questions and help you find the right insurance company for your solar system and budget.

When it comes to Florida homeowners insurance and solar panels, it’s a complicated issue. Some insurance companies consider solar panels an added risk and might refuse coverage or cancel existing policies. The extent of coverage can differ between insurance companies, especially regarding hurricane protection, which is a major concern in Florida. Coverage terms may also vary based on whether the panels are installed on the roof or freestanding, possibly requiring separate policies or adjustments to existing ones.

Florida home with solar panels
Solar panels on roof with palm in background

Despite the potential added risk of solar panels, there are insurance companies that cover solar panels in Florida. These include

  • Progressive. Progressive’s home insurance policy is known to cover your home and any additional structures, including solar panels. Depending on the specific policy’s deductibles and coverage restrictions, they’ll also pay for stolen or damaged panels.
  • American Integrity Insurance. The FlaSEIA member contractors have recognized this insurance company as a carrier that covers rooftop solar systems. They provide extensive coverage plans that can be customized to meet the needs of solar owners. In the event of a hurricane, they will cover damage after the hurricane deductible is met.
  • Citizens Property Insurance Corporation. Florida’s state-run insurance company understands the value of home solar systems. The company provides solar panel coverage to help homeowners reduce the potential risks of their investments. Similar to American Integrity Insurance, they’ll cover hurricane damage after homeowners reach their hurricane deductible.
  • SageSure. SageSure is another insurance company that covers solar panels. They offer customized and affordable options for solar owners. They may also provide discounts for homeowners with energy-efficient options.

Are you considering solar installation but have questions or uncertainties? We can help! Our dedicated support team is ready to provide you with the information and guidance you need along your solar journey. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your solar options.

Some Florida insurers won’t cover solar panels or will drop coverage entirely for homeowners who install solar them. They may see panels as an increased risk because they’re susceptible to damage from severe storms and hurricanes that are common in Florida. Insurers may also find it challenging to price coverage and assess claims because evaluating panel conditions can be difficult. Here are two popular insurance companies that don’t cover solar panels in Florida.

  • Herbie Wiles Insurance. This company will not cover solar panels because of the potential damage they can cause to homes.
  • Edison Insurance Company. Edison has been known to completely drop homeowner coverage for residents with solar panels.
Tiny home next to papers
Man and woman on computer

Finding an insurance company that covers solar panels is a crucial step in every solar journey. Below is a guide to help you find the best insurance company for your investment.

  • Research. Look into insurance companies known for covering solar installations. Compare the insurers on your list based on their customer reviews, coverage options, and pricing.
  • Check for bundling options. Some companies offer discounts or special packages for bundling multiple policies, like home and auto.
  • Your energy bill is always accurate instead of an estimate
  • Hurricane coverage. Ask about the company’s policy regarding hurricane-related damage, especially to solar panels.
  • Get a quote. Request a quote tailored to your home and solar installation to know you have proper coverage.

If you have a solar system bigger than 10kW, Florida solar insurance requirements state you must have tier 2 homeowners insurance. Utility companies will need proof of a PLP of one million dollars. Discuss your system’s size with an insurance company to determine if tier 2 insurance is necessary.

Why Should You Insure Your Solar System?

Insuring your solar system is crucial for protecting both you and your investment, offering peace of mind in the event of potential damage. Here are some reasons why insuring your system is a good idea.

Many local power companies require solar panel owners to purchase insurance for their interconnection agreements. These agreements typically state that the system owner must have insurance coverage to protect against possible risks.

Insuring your solar system may also give you access to excess liability policies that add an extra layer of protection beyond standard coverage. These policies protect you against liability claims related to your solar installation, such as property damage, bodily harm, and legal expenses.

Solar installation is a large investment, and any damage may cost a lot of money to repair. By covering your system, you reduce the financial risk caused by potential damage from events like severe weather, vandalism, or accidents.